
Booking preferences are the direct responsibility of the organisers with no involvement by a third-party intermediary (travel agent or other operator). RVS and the Tourist and Convention Authority will do everything they can to meet requests within the limits of the quotas and availability at the time the request is made.

To obtain special RVS rates (within the limit of the allotments granted to RVS), your booking must be for a minimum of three nights in each referenced hotels on the RVS list.

The RVS office will send a confirmation of the hotel booking. The hotel will then contact the participant for the deposit request. The booking will be confimed when the deposit is paid.

Please note that the cancellation policy is the same in each referenced hotels :

- Bookings can be cancelled free of charge until the  07th of  June 2024

- 1 night deposit  will be retained for any cancellation made between the 08th of June to the 08th  of July 2024

- 2 nights deposit  will be retained for any cancellation made between the 09th of  July to the 08th of August 2024

- 100% of the stay will be retained for any cancellation made after the 09th of August 2024

- In the case of a ‘no-show’ or early departure, each hotels will apply their own policy.                

Participants will need to confirm their arrival and departure dates with their hotel.

Considering that number of participants largely exceeds number of rooms available in the main hotels within the Principality, RVS revised the right to apply criteria of seniority of the participants and/or the company for allocating the hotel room.

We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you to the Principality of Monaco in September.